One-on-one sessions are an opportunity to discover, explore and embody your true nature. Sessions aren’t structured in any formal way, but the gravity of the context often leads to a deeper and clearer recognition of your essential nature.

Living as an ego is experiencing life through the prism of false ideas, rather than the freedom of life lived directly as it is. It’s the difference between suffering feelings of incompleteness, anxiety, and depression; and a life of openness, acceptance, peace of mind, and natural joy.

Sessions are an opportunity to explore the reality of your lived experience, and to see what – if anything – stands between you and your nature as freedom and peace.

It’s possible that since you find yourself here it may be that there’s already an awakening happening in your life. Sessions can help clarify and confirm the truth of your lived experience, cast aside doubts, discard conditioned views, and ultimately integrate and stabilise awakening.

Typically a session will last for about sixty to ninety (60–90) minutes.

The suggested contribution for each session is £50–£90. Please choose an amount (below) that feels right for your financial situation.

(If the suggested amount is beyond your means, please feel free to reach out anyway as scholarships are available).

Book a Session

1. Make a payment below.

2. Then email Martyn and he will send you his online booking calendar to schedule a date and time for your session.

3. Sessions are held using Zoom. You will receive an email with the Zoom link approx. 20-30 mins before the session starts.