
Is nondual spirituality nihilistic? Desirelessness, powerlessness, emptiness. Sacrifice, surrender, formlessness. Are these more fundamental than, say: fullness, all-possibilities, bountifulness, unboundedness, bliss? It’s all well and good focusing on the qualities of mind required for the apprehension of silence. But this emptiness is full, this fullness is empty. All around me I see fullness, I see…


Many of our words and concepts, we think we know what they mean, when often our understanding hangs short of the great depths of being that we miss. Our recognition stalls at the conceptual and clings there instead of plunging into the open experiential oneness that upholds and contains all. So words like ‘love’ can…

A Thought for Easter

Good Friday What must die? All forms, identities. What is Risen? Life itself, triumphant. Because there is no death, ultimately. Life Eternal is enduring by definition. Today is the sacrifice, the surrender of all for the sake of Truth. Do I believe in Jesus? Not as such. But it’s impossible to deny the sacrifice that…

The Calling of the Soul

How much of our time do we spend bracing ourselves against the possibility of someone else’s reactivity? When we fear to break a rule or make a mistake, how often is that apprehension based on the anticipation of having to deal with someone’s anger, sadness, or disappointment? Bumping into people’s reactive emotions is unpleasant and…