Allow for the possibility that you might still struggle after awakening. That you might have to process difficult emotions and feelings and adapt to a new kind of lived experience.
Allow for the possibility that you might still struggle after awakening. That you might have to process difficult emotions and feelings and adapt to a new kind of lived experience.
I don’t really mind what happens. I could pop off today with no regrets and nothing left undone. I’ll leave in a puff of love. Poof! This is all the weather. The turning of the kaleidoscope. I’m here for it all, in love. When you love it all, every moment is it’s own reward. There’s…
Could it be so simple, to let life flow without disturbance or resistance? Just get out of the way.
I’ve always been interested on the creative process itself as much as artistic outcomes. It’s the magic of something from nothing. The mystery of that. The spark of inspiration that calls us to follow where it leads – one trusting step after another. The unpacking and unfolding the tender seed of an idea. In this…
We have to be patient and watch what plays out. It’s never a question of having to make a decision or choice. It’s about how conscious intelligence unpacks and naturally comes to the inevitable. If we’re impatient we can think that we’re doing something, that we’re playing the part of a decision maker. But we’re…
Every thought a prayer, every action a devotion, every stillness a communion.