What magic comes from Silence?
All of it
Can’t you see it all comes from Nothing?
I’m a voice crying out from the wilderness
“It doesn’t matter!”
None of it matters
What matters
Is that we suffer
Or that suffering is
Can be
What do we do with that?
What can we do?
More questions
Find the one who asks the questions
Find the one who could know the answers
Uproot the whole premise
That there’s someone who needs to know
And that answers
Are the answer
It’s easier
If you just stop!
I can’t see any other way
Than to give it all up
But that’s not as bad
Or as radical
As you imagine
After all
Each night
You give up all that is
The whole world
For oblivion
You happily let it go
Drop into silence
It’s not so hard
To drop it all
In favor of rest
So why wait
Until you’re exhausted
To release your burden
To walk in peace
To trust
Notice what’s already true
Remember who you are
The veil falls
What a strange illusion!
The truth is not ‘other’
To be acquired
Or achieved
When all that passes
When all that can be
Is swept away
The truth
Is what remains
The truth
Is never untrue
What a riddle
Whatever is
Is truth
Delusion is suffering
Suffering is delusion
It’s no-ones fault
It’s not personal
Suffering arises
As the play of consciousness
Delusion –
A concept
Is that more fundamental?
Does love remain
When all else is gone?
Is love
That’s a question worth asking
An inquiry worth making
An answer
Worth living
Love is bliss in motion
And bliss isn’t pleasure alone
Something to chase
Some response to stimuli
Bliss is the heart of being
Bliss is the texture and taste
The fabric
The warp and woof
The root and the branch
It reveals itself
As you approach
It sets the compass
To true
To real
To this
The source of now
Is you
Is bliss
So is suffering bliss?
Is delusion bliss?
Is hate bliss?
Is pain bliss?
Such beautiful questions
What a worthy inquiry
Go find out
Find your own answers
If you want
Follow the questions
To their source
This is the way of inquiry
To follow outward
Is mind and confusion
To follow inward
Is wisdom and truth
And freedom
Herein lies the choice
Or so it seems
But who chooses?
The gravity of awakening
All efforts return
To their source
The clarity of stillness
Delusion thinks
“I am lost to myself”
“I return to myself”
But truth knows
“I am always in my nature”
“I am that I am”
We are all Buddha-nature
We are all already consciousness itself
And just because confusion and doubt are present
Doesn’t make it any less true
Thou Art That
This is the victory of Being
And the real hope and confidence
That the truth is true
And delusion and confusion
Are of the nature of smoke
Impermanent and insubstantial
All that can pass
Must pass
And what remains?