We live and move according to our deepest values. It’s not always clear what they are, but our actions reveal them, not our words.
We live and move according to our deepest values. It’s not always clear what they are, but our actions reveal them, not our words.
The tagline on my website used to say, ‘exploring present-moment awareness’ which sounds okay on the face of it, but the truth is I’m not exploring at all; I’m observing, witnessing. I’m not going anywhere or doing anything, I’m not plumbing any depths, I’m not even responding to anything; I’m just here, watching ‘the world’…
Have a practice. Take time out each and every day to sit in the cave of your interior and wait and watch. This is where the dragons are and this is where the gold is. It is the cave of the unknown and that is the place of fear. It takes courage to enter and…
The delusion known as ‘personhood’ or ‘self-view’ persists until it starts to collapse under the weight of its own evidential unreality. At which point the true nature of self and reality, namely consciousness, becomes increasingly* and eventually* entirely self-evident. *Or: rapidly, immediately, suddenly, instantly… And of course the opposite can also occur: the consciousness-nature becomes…
The impulse to spiritual practice is the impulse to awaken so even if practice is wrong or poor or difficult or ineffectual it’s never misguided, and in the worst cases it can be redirected or transformed to better express the core impulse. All the prayers and mantras and chants are well and good but the…
What are we but a self-knowing energetic field of consciousness? And what is the nature of energy if not a quality of consciousness? Self-examining our nature, that is, exploring consciousness with consciousness naturally results in the discovery of our formless nature. When we settle in to the direct observation of our essential subjectivity we find…
It seems that lies and hypocrisy are parr for the course in human culture. People just don’t value the truth. They say they do, but in practice it’s only when it’s convenient. I get it, incentives being what they are. But living from the expediency of lies is soul destroying. It exacts a higher price…