Get out of your mind and into your direct experiencing.
Get out of your mind and into your direct experiencing.
It’s hard to accept that everything is necessary and good. But it all works out for the best in some strange impossible way. Reality is a miracle and a mystery.
Creativity is the mirror of the spirit. Something from nothing. Endless spontaneous proliferation of forms from the unmanifest field of pure potentiality. To create is to participate in that miracle. As above so below.
What is Enlightenment, Moksha, Buddhahood, Liberation? It’s the obliteration of the Ten Fetters, the complete dissolution of the occluding mental densities that give rise to avidya. It’s the destruction of the ‘thicket of views’ that confuses and confounds the realization of Self and of life in the Natural State. It is ‘what remains’ when the…
The Global Ascension narrative is a huge distraction and deflection from the real work of Self-realization. So many seekers waiting for the world to ascend to higher consciousness, waiting to catch a ride on the Global Awakening tour bus are misguided and misdirected. Because this waiting is a hidden avoidance. Waiting for the rising waters…
I have a certain perspective regarding the nature of happiness and suffering. That perspective is that one can come to see it and therefore uproot the conditions that lead to suffering. But I’m also acutely aware that someone will only be able to see it when it’s due for them. It’s a strange and frustrating…
In the course of our lives sometimes we find that we don’t really want what’s happening, we wouldn’t necessarily choose it for ourselves. But we’re called to it, it’s happening and so we have to make our peace with it. In order to stay sane and non-distressed we have to give our assent to the…