We’re all walking talking Ships of Theseus.
We’re all walking talking Ships of Theseus.
God is here. Don’t go looking to the past or the future or somewhere else to find him. He is here, now. Immanent and transcendent. Here, yet beyond also. But not in some idealised past or hoped-for future. Be open to his presence now. No need to go searching and seeking. He is ever present…
Creative process is a really interesting subject to me. All creatives seem to have one, but the only commonality is that there is one. The details vary considerably. “Find your own way,” seems to be the imperative. Find out by doing and then reflecting on the doing. Maybe then you can extract some rules or guidelines, some…
There’s grief in awakening. Grief at the loss of autonomy, grief at the loss of purpose and meaning. Grief at the loss of knowing and certainty, however deluded they were. There’s grief over losing one’s power, and one’s familiar identity. There’s so much loss in awakening. When it dawns that there’s nothing we can keep,…
Is nondual spirituality nihilistic? Desirelessness, powerlessness, emptiness. Sacrifice, surrender, formlessness. Are these more fundamental than, say: fullness, all-possibilities, bountifulness, unboundedness, bliss? It’s all well and good focusing on the qualities of mind required for the apprehension of silence. But this emptiness is full, this fullness is empty. All around me I see fullness, I see…
The human world is all concepts made manifest. You can’t look at a human construction without recognising its conceptual basis. But what of the constructions of nature? Who’s conceptions are they?
Spiritual awakening is a lot like the creative process, because when you engage in meditation or introspection or inquiry, if you’re motivated by money or acquisition or anything like that it pollutes the process. It’s more important to be open and to play and be curious, to be intuitive and fearless rather than be wondering…