We have be willing to stand behind our truth as we see it, to defend, to justify, to explain. But also just as importantly we need to learn to change our minds, to let go of our blind loyalties to people, ideas, views, and positions as we go along, and keep doing it.

We need to be nimble to respond and flourish in a rapidly changing world, and we can’t be if we’re attached to the heavy husks of the spent and the untenable.

Keep what’s good and true and beautiful, drop the rest. We need to be flexible, endlessly updating, and exploring new frames of understanding. All the while remaining ungrasping, open.

This open-handed approach to living and being ultimately provides the much needed contrast between the essential and the transient. By allowing the flow of knowledge and information to change and evolve freely in and through us, we have the opportunity to recognise the unchanging substrate, the ever-present sentience that we are.

Reducing or eliminating identification is an essential skill we have to master because we can’t move forward while dragging the past with us. We must be endlessly shedding or skins, participating in the increasingly fluid nature of manifest existence. In a world made of change, the static and the calcified must face inevitable convulsion and destruction.

There are no fixed points, no permanent structures in nature or human life. Longevity yes, sometimes. But immortality, no. Not in terms of structures and things, including knowledge and information. So don’t identify with that which doesn’t last. Don’t conceptually or emotionally orient your existence around the impossible idea of some kind of manifest immutability.

Seeking permanent identity with changing forms is futile and unnecessary for optimal functioning. In other words – let go, peeps! Stop with all the desperate clinging. Don’t be so narrow and lacking in imagination. Use the world, use ideas and information and intelligence and ways of being, then let them go when their time is done. Free yourself.

We are all explorers in this vast cosmic dream. There are an infinity of uncharted, unimagined possibilities unfolding themselves before our a very eyes. Don’t get fixed too soon, don’t make up your mind, remain humble in the face of the perpetually emerging kaleidoscopic light-show. Grok the need for radical agility, intellectually, conceptually, emotionally, and yes, spiritually. Don’t be a boat on the river, be the river itself. Or better still, be water.

The good news is the very ground of all experiencing, who we actually are, is perpetually present as simple awareness. Discover that, be that, and the world and all its myriad forms becomes an endless playground to enjoy.

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