Religion as a Ladder
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Religion as a Ladder

I’m musing on the idea that in principle, religion offers the appropriate instruction, practice, and experience for every level of spiritual development. The thought is that even at the most basic level of understanding and spiritual development, it offers an appropriate message to meet the person where they are. And at the highest levels of…

Grace and Practice
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Grace and Practice

Enlightenment is a function of Grace. But then so is practice. Some might say there’s a qualitative difference between the (seemingly) personal activities or practices like ‘letting go’ or ‘noticing and returning’ and the actions of Grace. But these are as much the spontaneous display of consciousness as the final dissolution of the (illusory) egoic…


Some Spiritual Traditions Focus on Awareness, Some Focus on Love

Some spiritual traditions focus on awareness, some focus on love. Some tend to be more prescriptive, and instead of seeing that kindness, love, compassion, generosity, are the consequence of living as one’s true nature, it prescribes them as duties and practices But I admire those who live from love and who ‘practice’ love. Isn’t living…