Some spiritual traditions focus on awareness, some focus on love.
Some tend to be more prescriptive, and instead of seeing that kindness, love, compassion, generosity, are the consequence of living as one’s true nature, it prescribes them as duties and practices
But I admire those who live from love and who ‘practice’ love. Isn’t living from love a recognition of our nature as much as abiding as awareness?
Because with love, to know it is to give it, and to give it is to know it, and thus to be it.
But in the end prescriptions are themselves an contrary to the truth, which is natural, spontaneous, uncaused, primordial.
“Creatures follow their own nature.
Even the enlightened man acts
according to hims own nature.
What can restraint accomplish?”
Bhagavad Gita 3:33
And so we don’t need to control or coerce ourselves, we just need to recognize our nature as loving awareness. Then all acts become acts of love.