Could It Be?
Could it be so simple, to let life flow without disturbance or resistance? Just get out of the way.
Could it be so simple, to let life flow without disturbance or resistance? Just get out of the way.
Just because the mind identifies the problem (of suffering) doesn’t mean it can provide the answer.
Exciting news!! Imogen and I have resurrected our defunct 2019 “End of Seeking Podcast”, with two NEW episodes up now (the original episode 1 is there too) and more will join them soon. We have no set upload schedule at the moment but our aim is to continue to upload new episodes frequently. This…
When someone asks me at party what I do, I say: “I introduce people to the fact that reality as it’s commonly conceived of is an illusion, the so-called world isn’t material and the self they imagine themselves to be doesn’t exist.” Needless to say I don’t get many invitations.
Final answers – is that what we seek? Perhaps given half a chance we might love to live in the questions.
Just give up on self-will and see what life want you to be, to do, to have.It’s radical kenosis – the self-emptying that allows us to be led into the larger space of being.
Every thought a prayer, every action a devotion, every stillness a communion.