It’s hard to accept that everything is necessary and good.
But it all works out for the best in some strange impossible way.
Reality is a miracle and a mystery.
It’s hard to accept that everything is necessary and good.
But it all works out for the best in some strange impossible way.
Reality is a miracle and a mystery.
The recognition of our nature as non-conceptual awareness — spiritual awakening — is relatively simple. But the consequences of this recognition typically have challenging implications for our human-ness, conditioned as it is around the ego-belief. Awakening is rarely the end of the story. A reconstruction of the lived experience and outward expression in light of the newly realised awareness-identity…
It’s worth remembering that when we deal with the Devil he honours his side of the bargain and we do actually get what we wanted, or so the stories tell. We want to be rich and powerful; done. We want to be a great blues guitarist; done. The problem isn’t that he doesn’t deliver, it’s…
In meditation and in life, notice when you’re hooked and return to the present moment. Keep doing that and after a while the notice doesn’t require a return. Just noticing is enough. The consistent and natural presence of awareness to the hookedness allows it just release and disappear back from whence it came. What I’m…
Whenever desire or dissatisfaction shows up our first instinct is to try to get or change something. We’re trained to leap up and run after our impulses like show-dogs. Desire says “jump” and we say “how high?!” And since these thoughts and feelings and wants keep popping up, large and small, we’re endlessly running around,…
Your life is not your responsibility, you’re not doing it, you’re not ‘living’ your life, if anything life is living you. It’s important to recognize this. The burden of activity is not yours. Doership is a concept that has been imposed on the uncaused nature of life. Even the notion of a cosmic, supreme doer…
What is human nature in relation to spiritual nature? Is our spiritual nature in fact the fulfilment of our human nature? Isn’t that what the saints and sages have been telling us all this time? That we have an innate divine potential that represents the fruition of our humanity. So for all our monstrous capacities:…