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Self Knowledge
When all falsehood falls away, what remains is truth. What we can then say about that truth may take lifetimes to articulate, but there is, here it is, ringing loud and clear as reality itself. A big part of the truth is discovering that we are the very heart of experiencing, that we are knowingness…
Abide in the Bliss of ‘I AM’
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Peace Through Truth
Is there a way to find peace and freedom from affliction? Does truth have a bearing on this? Let’s see… Phenomena are spontaneously arising and naturally self-liberating. We have no control over said phenomena because we don’t exist as any kind of being that could exercise control. Therefore bringing clarity to the actual state of…
Some Thoughts on Politics This Christmas
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Just Because
Just because the mind identifies the problem (of suffering) doesn’t mean it can provide the answer.
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