We Don’t Know

We Don’t Know

We don’t know what we’re going to do or what’s going to happen. We can only speculate. It’s knowing that we don’t know that’s the trick. And it might be that this constitutes powerlessness. But it also amounts to freedom from the need to control. There’s this deep mystery around what we ‘choose’ to do….


It Seems That Lies and Hypocrisy Are Par for the Course

It seems that lies and hypocrisy are parr for the course in human culture. People just don’t value the truth. They say they do, but in practice it’s only when it’s convenient. I get it, incentives being what they are. But living from the expediency of lies is soul destroying. It exacts a higher price…

Mind the Gap

All intelligence is a modulation and expression of the Great Intelligence. Just as a single leaf is no less tree than the branch or the trunk or the root. All is tree, all is creative intelligence. Knowing the nature of one’s Being is sufficient to end suffering. In the light of our nature as boundless…


From Awakening to Freedom

The recognition of our nature as non-conceptual awareness — spiritual awakening — is relatively simple. But the consequences of this recognition typically have challenging implications for our human-ness, conditioned as it is around the ego-belief. Awakening is rarely the end of the story. A reconstruction of the lived experience and outward expression in light of the newly realised awareness-identity…