Untitled Thoughts #10

Untitled Thoughts #10

Make no promises or predictionsJust take each step as it comes Notice the effects of notions and ideasOn your moment-to-moment sense of well-beingIt’s like you can keep noticing and rooting outThose notions that lie about the nature of realityAnd sometimes it’s not so obviousBecause the false ideas are part and parcelOf the consensus paradigm Making…

The Delusion Known as ‘Personhood’

The Delusion Known as ‘Personhood’

The delusion known as ‘personhood’ or ‘self-view’ persists until it starts to collapse under the weight of its own evidential unreality. At which point the true nature of self and reality, namely consciousness, becomes increasingly* and eventually* entirely self-evident. *Or: rapidly, immediately, suddenly, instantly… And of course the opposite can also occur: the consciousness-nature becomes…

The Beginning and End of This Whole Existence

The Beginning and End of This Whole Existence

The beginning and end of this whole existence and the arena of ‘The Work’ and the unfolding of the so-called ‘process of awakening’ is this present moment. The past shows up here as memory, the future as imagination. Cognition, mentation, sensory arisings, all happen here. It’s this now-ness, this such-ness that constitutes Reality. And liberation…

Sit Quietly

Sit quietly And with your inner awareness Try to find somewhere where you have control I’m not suggesting you try to take control Just see if you can find any possibility to do so Be curious and notice Subtly What are the foundations of movement and change in your experience? How do they come about…