July 2022
That anything exists…
That anything exists at all, let alone is self-aware, is beyond statistical speculation, it’s miraculous in the truest sense. This is the true nature of reality and is what we rightly call Divine and Mystery. Continue reading
We have to be patient and watch…
We have to be patient and watch what plays out. It’s never a question of having to make a decision or choice. It’s about how conscious intelligence unpacks and naturally comes to the inevitable. If we’re impatient we can think that we’re doing something, that we’re playing the part of a decision maker. But we’re… Continue reading
I don’t seek answers…
I don’t seek answers any more, I’m content to live in the mystery. Continue reading
If you have to live…
If you have to live (with something), if it’s inevitable and inescapable, you’d best learn to love it. I’m talking about life itself, all of it. You gotta go all the way. Continue reading
Allow for the possibility…
Allow for the possibility that you might still struggle after awakening. That you might have to process difficult emotions and feelings and adapt to a new kind of lived experience. Continue reading
Spiritually speaking…
Spiritually speaking, it doesn’t pay to be too rational past a certain point. Reason as a function needs to fail, leaving only the mystery. Of course dropping rationality in favour of embracing the mystery is itself a rational act. So there’s that. You could say it’s a higher rationality that transcends it’s own limitations. But… Continue reading
The vast majority of people…
The vast majority of people simply are not interested in discovering their true nature. They don’t even know that such a thing exists or that there’s any other way to be than being caught up in the Samsara of impermanence, grasping and desperate pleasure-seeking. I guess the Matrix movie had it right when it said… Continue reading
There are nominally two aspects to reality…
There are nominally two aspects to reality. The silent awareness and the changing relative content. In dualistic life, all that is recognised is the changing aspect of reality. But at some point the mind discovers and identifies itself as the source and ground of silent awareness, and the egoic, dualistic identity is transcended. When this… Continue reading
Nothing lasts for ever…
Nothing lasts for ever, but many things persist for a long time. So if your answer to unwanted experiences is to wait them out, then you could be enduring something for a long time, and that holding-out itself becomes a source of suffering. You must find the acceptance of each moment, every moment in itself. Continue reading
Nondual awakening is a jump…
Nondual awakening is a jump for sure, a transition. And no matter how thin or diminished was the egoic operating system beforehand, when it’s gone it’s the establishment of a new way of being. But in practice it can take a while for the new Awareness OS to penetrate every level of being. Even after… Continue reading