untitled thoughts 13
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Untitled Thoughts #13

Loving the gap. When thoughts drop away, leave them there. Enjoy the gap, the silent space of being. Non-grasping, aconceptual aware presence. Just go with your flow, remain unattached. If there’s frustration there’s expectation and desire. Wanting something that isn’t usually leads to suffering if grasping and thirsting are also present. If something “must (or…

Untitled Thoughts #11

Untitled Thoughts #11

Just because the nature of conditioned realityIs an illusionIs dream-likeAnd ultimately incorporealDoesn’t mean that it’s to be deniedOr seen as a problem in itself And the presence of sufferingIn the conditioned realmDoesn’t necessitateThe wholesale abandonmentOf all experiencing Just see through the illusionAnd enjoy the ride Everything we need to knowIs available to us in this…

Untitled Thoughts #9

Untitled Thoughts #9

It’s always interesting how destructive expectations can beParticularly in the event that reality fails to meet them That’s the secretHave low to no expectationsAnd if reality happens and you feel demoralised by itThen it’s a sure sign there are expectations present It’s better to take each step as it comesAnd not get ahead of oneself…

Nothing Lasts for Ever

Nothing Lasts for Ever

Nothing lasts for ever, but many things persist for a long time. So if your answer to unwanted experiences is to wait them out, then you could be enduring something for a long time, and that holding-out itself becomes a source of suffering. You must find the acceptance of each moment, every moment in itself.

The Beginning and End of This Whole Existence

The Beginning and End of This Whole Existence

The beginning and end of this whole existence and the arena of ‘The Work’ and the unfolding of the so-called ‘process of awakening’ is this present moment. The past shows up here as memory, the future as imagination. Cognition, mentation, sensory arisings, all happen here. It’s this now-ness, this such-ness that constitutes Reality. And liberation…