Untitled Thoughts #10

Untitled Thoughts #10

Make no promises or predictionsJust take each step as it comes Notice the effects of notions and ideasOn your moment-to-moment sense of well-beingIt’s like you can keep noticing and rooting outThose notions that lie about the nature of realityAnd sometimes it’s not so obviousBecause the false ideas are part and parcelOf the consensus paradigm Making…

Untitled Thoughts #9

Untitled Thoughts #9

It’s always interesting how destructive expectations can beParticularly in the event that reality fails to meet them That’s the secretHave low to no expectationsAnd if reality happens and you feel demoralised by itThen it’s a sure sign there are expectations present It’s better to take each step as it comesAnd not get ahead of oneself…

God Is Here

God Is Here

God is here. Don’t go looking to the past or the future or somewhere else to find him. He is here, now. Immanent and transcendent. Here, yet beyond also. But not in some idealised past or hoped-for future. Be open to his presence now. No need to go searching and seeking. He is ever present…