The Fourth
The fourth state, turiya, pure consciousness, is present with all other states. But at first it’s perceived, as its name suggests, as one alternating with other states of consciousness. Until through repeated and consistent exposure it’s revealed to be the foundational and ubiquitous, singular reality. Continue reading
The Mystery of Devotion
How does one square the circle of devotion to deities in nonduality? It’s a mystery. And I mean that in a technical sense. It’s an apparent truth that the mind can’t fathom or explain. But what’s a spiritual rationalist to do with this kind of essentially faith-based view? Loosely speaking there are at least two… Continue reading
Looking Back
It’s fine to look backwards sometimes but who wants to spend their days stewing on what was? The time is now, life is now. All possibilities exist in the great unknown yawning out before us. But looking back I don’t think I was ever a great listener. I was always too occupied by my own… Continue reading
Notice and Return
In meditation and in life, notice when you’re hooked and return to the present moment. Keep doing that and after a while the notice doesn’t require a return. Just noticing is enough. The consistent and natural presence of awareness to the hookedness allows it just release and disappear back from whence it came. What I’m… Continue reading