
Some Spiritual Traditions Focus on Awareness, Some Focus on Love

Some spiritual traditions focus on awareness, some focus on love. Some tend to be more prescriptive, and instead of seeing that kindness, love, compassion, generosity, are the consequence of living as one’s true nature, it prescribes them as duties and practices But I admire those who live from love and who ‘practice’ love. Isn’t living…


It Seems That Lies and Hypocrisy Are Par for the Course

It seems that lies and hypocrisy are parr for the course in human culture. People just don’t value the truth. They say they do, but in practice it’s only when it’s convenient. I get it, incentives being what they are. But living from the expediency of lies is soul destroying. It exacts a higher price…

We All Have Aspects of Ourselves That Are Contradictory

Psychologically we all have aspects of ourselves that are contradictory and even counter-productive. Each of us is like a band of miscreants with different personalities and motivations. So getting ourselves to move in one direction requires taking our various, and sometimes conflicting, motivations and inclinations into account. I like silence and solitude, but I also…

The Global Ascension Narrative Is a Huge Distraction

The Global Ascension narrative is a huge distraction and deflection from the real work of Self-realization. So many seekers waiting for the world to ascend to higher consciousness, waiting to catch a ride on the Global Awakening tour bus are misguided and misdirected. Because this waiting is a hidden avoidance. Waiting for the rising waters…