November 2020

  • Some spiritual traditions focus on awareness, some focus on love…

    Some spiritual traditions focus on awareness, some focus on love. Some tend to be more prescriptive, and instead of seeing that kindness, love, compassion, generosity, are the consequence of living as one’s true nature, it prescribes them as duties and practices But I admire those who live from love and who ‘practice’ love. Isn’t living… Continue reading

  • The mind always has something to say…

    The mind always has something to say about what’s happening. It’s interpretive and descriptive. It ascribes meaning and motivation. It tells causal stories about reality to make sense of it and to be able to communicate it to others. What story do I tell about my life? What does my narrative sound like? I Am.… Continue reading

  • Abide in the bliss of I AM…

    Abide in the bliss of I AM and the fullness of truth will dawn.   Continue reading

  • It seems that lies and hypocrisy are parr for the course…

    It seems that lies and hypocrisy are parr for the course in human culture. People just don’t value the truth. They say they do, but in practice it’s only when it’s convenient. I get it, incentives being what they are. But living from the expediency of lies is soul destroying. It exacts a higher price… Continue reading

  • I have a certain perspective regarding the nature of happiness…

    I have a certain perspective regarding the nature of happiness and suffering. That perspective is that one can come to see it and therefore uproot the conditions that lead to suffering. But I’m also acutely aware that someone will only be able to see it when it’s due for them. It’s a strange and frustrating… Continue reading

  • Psychologically we all have aspects of ourselves that are contradictory…

    Psychologically we all have aspects of ourselves that are contradictory and even counter-productive. Each of us is like a band of miscreants with different personalities and motivations. So getting ourselves to move in one direction requires taking our various, and sometimes conflicting, motivations and inclinations into account. I like silence and solitude, but I also… Continue reading

  • The Global Ascension narrative is a huge distraction…

    The Global Ascension narrative is a huge distraction and deflection from the real work of Self-realization. So many seekers waiting for the world to ascend to higher consciousness, waiting to catch a ride on the Global Awakening tour bus are misguided and misdirected. Because this waiting is a hidden avoidance. Waiting for the rising waters… Continue reading

  • Attention wants to rest somewhere…

    Attention wants to rest somewhere, it’s always looking for an object, and so it becomes the monkey mind that endlessly jumps from tree to tree. But when we recognise our naked subjectivity, open awareness, the attention can settle back into its own source. This puts an end to the seeking mind. The easefulness of mental… Continue reading

  • Awakened mind has no prescriptions…

    Awakened mind has no prescriptions, only descriptions. But since the world at large is dualistic, we have to translate much of what we hear into non-personal terms. So doing becomes happening. And moral or spiritual injunctions become the recognition and description of our nature and tendencies rather than actions we take as autonomous individuals.   Continue reading

  • Wanting, craving, thirsting, clinging…

    Wanting, craving, thirsting, clinging. This is the way of non-acceptance, the way of misery. And so the opposite is true: Desirelessness, non-grasping, non-attachment, openness. This is the way of acceptance, the way of joy and peace.   Continue reading