The Beginning and End of This Whole Existence

The Beginning and End of This Whole Existence

The beginning and end of this whole existence and the arena of ‘The Work’ and the unfolding of the so-called ‘process of awakening’ is this present moment. The past shows up here as memory, the future as imagination. Cognition, mentation, sensory arisings, all happen here. It’s this now-ness, this such-ness that constitutes Reality. And liberation…

Can the Ego Ever Consent to Its Own Destruction?

Can the ego ever consent to its own destruction? Is there ever informed consent for awakening? Perhaps not Because the grasping ego is like a victim of Stockholm Syndrome Conditioned into loving its own captivity It’s a false consciousness That needs rescuing Liberating But it’s only the true consciousness that can do this Only awareness…

Sit Quietly

Sit quietly And with your inner awareness Try to find somewhere where you have control I’m not suggesting you try to take control Just see if you can find any possibility to do so Be curious and notice Subtly What are the foundations of movement and change in your experience? How do they come about…


Some Spiritual Traditions Focus on Awareness, Some Focus on Love

Some spiritual traditions focus on awareness, some focus on love. Some tend to be more prescriptive, and instead of seeing that kindness, love, compassion, generosity, are the consequence of living as one’s true nature, it prescribes them as duties and practices But I admire those who live from love and who ‘practice’ love. Isn’t living…